Common data >  BPs >  Leads  

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A lead is the prerequisite of a not qualified prospect. It is a trail or a commercial opportunity which can be considered as such as a potential customer.

A lead can have different origins: it can be recorded from a form during a trade show or directly from a website. A lead can also have been contacted to respond to a call script.

In Sage X3, leads, contacts and business partners are managed simultaneously. A non-qualified lead is an entity (an individual or a company) which has not been attached to a BP yet (customer or prospect) or which has not been considered as a contact in the database yet.

A lead record is used to enter as much personal and professional information as possible. Once qualified, a lead can be attached to a BP code (customer or prospect) or a contact code. The information extracted from the lead are transmitted to the customer, prospect or associated contact records.


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Screen management

A lead record contains a simple header and four tabs used to enter different types of information.



A lead header displays the contact's title. It is also used to know the name of the sales representative assigned to lead manager. In manual creation of a lead, the manager corresponds to the representative code associated with the connected operator. It is nevertheless possible to mass assign a posteriori a set of leads meeting specific criteria. These criteria are defined if the function Lead sector. The leads mass assignment with respect to all these criteria and their reconciliation to a particular sales representative code is carried out from the function Lead assignment.

In addition to the title and the lead assignment, the header is, generally speaking, designed to enter a status and an interest. As long as the lead is on hold, (Default status received in lead manual creation) or as soon as it switches to disqualified status, it will not be possible to be transformed to BP (customer or prospect) or it will not be possible to save it as a contact in the database.

Thus, the user can modify the lead status as and when tracking. The lead on hold passes to the status contacted, then qualified or disqualified.

For qualitative and statistical purposes, it is also possible to enter a cash-based level or lead.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Lead code (field PSTNUM)

This code defines the unique key in the contact record. This key can be manually assigned or if it is not entered, it can be defined via the CCN sequence number counter.

By default, this counter is constructed of a sequence number made up of 15 characters. To ensure the correct functioning of the Contact object, it is strongly advised to conserve these standard characteristics.

  • Title (field CNTTTL)

Used to give a civil title to the individual.

  • Last name (field CNTLNA)

Define the identity of the contact. Each word separated by a space make it possible to search for this contact.

  • First name (field CNTFNA)


The code of the representative in charge of the lead is fed by default with the code of the representative linked to the connected user. This code can be manually modified. It can also be fed a posteriori depending on the criteria defined in the Lead sector function, then by launching a mass process for the leads assignment.

  • Status (field PSTSTA)

A lead is created with a "pending" status. This status does not allow the users to transform a lead into a BP (prospect or customer) or into a contact.

Once contacted by the representative in charge of his tracking, the lead can take different statuses:

  • contacted
  • qualified
  • disqualified

Only the leads contacted or qualified can possibly be converted.

  • Interest (field PSTITR)

This indicator allows the user to know the global profit sharing level of a lead. A lead is a sale target, it is not considered yet as a prospect. This is only a first contact followed up with a representative.



Tab Professional information


This tab is designed to enter professional information concerning the lead.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Company name (field CPYNAM)

This is the company, or trade name.
The company name (up to 35 characters) is more significant than the company code.
This information will be used o n the majority of the documents sent externally.
On the screens where necessary, the system mostly uses the short name allowing easier identification.

This code is used to identify the country associated with the information.

In the country table, which controls this field, there is a certain number of characteristics useful to perform controls on dependent information, and especially :

  • the telephone number format
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France)
  • the postal code format
  • the format of the bank ID number
  • Function (field FNC)

This field specifies the position of the contact to choose from a pre-defined list.
The local menu 233 lists all the possible positions.

  • field FNCX


  • Additional information (field FNCLIB)

This field specifies the position of the contact to choose from a pre-defined list.
The local menu 233 lists all the possible positions.

This field, used for information purposes, makes reference to the codes entered in miscellaneous table 906.

  • Department (field SRV)

This text field indicates the department to which the contact is attached.
No table controls this information.

  • First contact date (field DATFIRCNT)


  • Site registration number (field CPYCRN)

Use this field to define the company tax registration number. This is an official identification number allocated by a government organization to identify a company. It is a unique code generally used to help with the administration of tax laws. The format of this number depends on the rules for the country.

This number might be known as a Tax Identification Number (TIN), SIREN (France), NIF (Spain), Company tax ID Number (USA). Generally, a business has a company registration number. 

  • SIC code (field CPYNAF)

This is the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code, which characterizes the principle activity of the business partner and can be used for selection, sorting, reporting, etc.

The entry format of the activity code depends on the Country.


  • Business result (field CPYCAF)

This field is used to enter the turnover corresponding to the lead activity.

This field is used to qualify the economic activity of the customer with a level of segmentation adapted to the segmentation needs of the commercial team.

This field is used to record the commercial channel at the origin of the identification and qualification of a business partner.



Tab Addresses


This tab is designed to enter a professional address.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Addresses

  • Address code (field CODADR)

Address code of the business partner (BP).


  • Address code (field XCODADR)


  • Description (field XBPADES)



  • Description (field XCRYNAM)


  • field XADDLIG1


  • field XADDLIG2


  • field XADDLIG3


  • Postal code (field XPOSCOD)


  • City (field XCTY)


  • field ITINERAIRE

Click this icon to open a mapping site and locate the entered address.

  • field XSAT


  • Website (field XFCYWEB)


  • External identifier (field XEXTNUM)


  • Default address (field XBPAADDFLG)


  • Address validation (field VALADR)


  • Validated (field XADRVAL)



  • field ATYPTEL


  • field XTEL1


  • field XTEL2


  • field XTEL3


  • field XTEL4


  • field XTEL5



  • field ATYPWEB


  • field XWEB1


  • field XWEB2


  • field XWEB3


  • field XWEB4


  • field XWEB5




Tab Classifications


This tab is used to enter additional personal information.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Used to define the default language for the contact.

  • Date of birth (field CNTBIR)

Indicate the birth date (when known) of the contact.

This category, defined in miscellaneous table 907, is used to qualify the contact for statistical or marketing reasons.

This code is used to identify the country associated with the information.

In the country table, which controls this field, there is a certain number of characteristics useful to perform controls on dependent information, and especially :

  • the telephone number format
  • the format of the number identifying a company or an activity (SIRET, NAF in France)
  • the postal code format
  • the format of the bank ID number
  • field CRYNAM


  • field ADD1

This table lists the various address lines. The formats of the title and of the entry are defined in the country table.

  • field ADD2


  • field ADD3


  • Postal code (field ZIP)


  • City (field CTY)

The city automatically suggested is the one associated with the postal code previously indicated. It is also possible to manually enter the name of a town/city:
- If the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed,
- If it does not exist and the postal code control has been set up in the Country record, a warning message is displayed but the continuation of the entry is authorized (in order for this control to be applied, the CTY - Nonexistent city alert parameter - SUP chapter, INT group - must also be set 'Yes'),
- If it does not exist and the postal code is set up as mandatory for the country, a blocking message is displayed in case the fields Postal code or City/Town are entered or in case of modification of information in the address window of the BP. However, this control is not carried out in document creation.


  • Its format is defined in the Country record setup.
  • Depending on this setup, the entered town/city can automatically be converted into uppercase after it has been entered.
  • In order to make selections easier without taking into account the format (accented characters/uppercase letters/lowercase letters), the selection window available on this field proposes a column dedicated to the search, where the names of the towns/cities are displayed in uppercase.
  • field ITINERAIRE

Click this icon to open a mapping site and locate the entered address.

  • field SAT

This field contains the geographical SDL TEST subdivision corresponding to definition of the postal address. For example, a 'department' for France, and a state for the United-States.

The description of the geographic subdivision, as well as the control on the information entry, are defined in theCountries setup.

This field is automatically loaded after the postal code and town/city have been entered, based on the Postal codes setup.
If the field is controlled, the control is carried out according to the Geographical subdivision table.


  • Telephone (field CNTETS)

The contact's address details that are to be used to send information, by post, by telephone, or email.

  • Mobile phone (field CNTMOB)


  • Fax (field CNTFAX)



  • Email (field CNTEMA)




Tab Note:


This tab is designed for the supervisor responsible for the lead to comment (free text) on the exchanges tracking.

The origin of the lead is also displayed. It is designed to know the method used when creating the lead record (manual, by import creation etc.).




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • field CLOB

The representative in charge of the lead can save comments when interacting with the latter.


  • Date created (field CREDAT)

Lead creation date in the database.

  • Time created (field PSTORILIB)

Origin of the lead.

  • Created by (field FULNAMUSR)

Code of the user who created the lead.

  • Source (field PSTORI)


  • Original document no. (field PSTORIVCR)


  • Line (field PSTORIVCRL)




Specific Buttons

This button is designed to transform a lead to a BP (customer or prospect). The information coming from the lead will be reused by default on the created BP.

A lead can be transformed to a BP only if the status is contacted or qualified.

This button is designed to transform a lead to a contact. The information coming from the lead will be reused by default on the created BP. Concerning the contact, it is possible to track its origin, that is to say, if it was initially created as a lead (toolbar menu in contacts management).

A lead can be transformed to a BP only if the status is contacted or qualified.

Menu Bar

Functions / Convert to BP

This menu is designed to transform a lead to a contact without using contacts management. Once passed into contact, the lead is not displayed in the list anymore.

The information coming from the lead will be reused by default on the created BP. Concerning the contact, it is possible to track its origin, that is to say, if it was initially created as a lead (toolbar menu in contacts management).

A lead can be transformed to a BP only if the status is contacted or qualified.

Functions / Relink to a BP

This menu is designed to transform a lead to a contact without using contacts management. It is designed to complete the contact record. Once passed into contact, the lead is not displayed in the list anymore.

The information coming from the lead will be reused by default on the created BP. Concerning the contact, it is possible to track its origin, that is to say, if it was initially created as a lead (toolbar menu in contacts management).

A lead can be transformed to a BP only if the status is contacted or qualified.


This button is designed to transform a lead to a BP. A selection window is displayed and the operator can select the BP type (prospect or contact). Once selected, the operator can modify or complete the prospect or customer record before creating it.

The information coming from the lead will be reused by default on the created BP.

A lead can be transformed to a prospect or a customer only if the status is contacted or qualified.

Plan / Actions / Call

This menu is designed to link a lead to an existing BP. A selection window is displayed and the operator can select the BP code and an address code Once linked, the lead becomes a contact in the contact list associated with the BP. Its address code corresponds to the code selected among the BP addresses.

The information coming from the lead will be reused by default on the modified BP.

A lead can be linked with a BP only if the status is contacted or qualified.

Plan / Actions / Task

This menu is designed to plan an appointment for the lead.

Save / Actions / Appointment

This menu is designed to plan calls for the lead.

Plan / Actions / Call

This menu is designed to plan tasks for the lead.

Save / Actions / Task

This menu is designed to plan an appointment for the lead.

Save / Actions / Call

This menu is designed to plan calls for the lead.

Save / Actions / Task

This menu is designed to plan tasks for the lead.


The import of leads is not supported by Sage X3.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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